Kelas : 8
Yang bisa tolong di bantu ya kak
Note :
• jangan cuma ngambil poinnya saja
• jangan ngasal
Soal :
1. Ceritakan pengalaman liburan dirumah selama pandemi covid 19 dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan verb 2(minimal 2 paragraf atau 10 kalimat)
In early March 2020, there was a virus that could infect many people. This virus is known as the corona virus. Since this virus existed, my friends and I have not been able to meet and meet. We provide distance/online learning.
In the first week it was really fun studying at home, but in the following week I started to get tired of this distance learning because I had to keep eye contact with my cellphone, and it was very detrimental for me. In January 2022, my friends and I have been able to experience offline/face-to-face learning, happy odd and even, but I am very grateful to be back even though we have to face to face in an even number of ways. I hope this virus can disappear so that I and others can carry out activities as usual.
Note : this is my personal experience!